It was a long trip: about 12 hours including feeding and watering stops. On arrival, relieved but also a bit awkwardly they left their cages to explore their new temporary accommodation, separate from our chickens, for a couple of weeks.
The arrival of six ladies didn’t go unnoticed. Our cockerel Stevie soon had an eye for them and became inseparable from them. This was heavy competition for Hendrik, but he was unfazed. His eye had already fallen on our Coucou de Rennes.
Hendrik is an Araucana cockerel.
Silverback came here on a rainy afternoon in March 2007. We were looking for a couple of Silky hens. We already had plenty of cockerels. But he was so handsome, we couldn't resist him. After agreeing that we could return him if we would have had problems with the other cockerels, he joined his two Pompom girls in the box in the car.
Adding an older
cockerel is not always easy. So we introduced
Silverback slowly to our
bunch. The first couple of weeks they stayed in quarantine in a dog cage
the kitchen. When they appeared to be healthy we made a little run so
that they could go outside.
In the beginning, our own
cockerels were very curious but their interest in Silverback faded
fast. It was time. Silverback and his Pompom
girls were given their freedom. There has never
been a serious fight and every cockerel knows his
Silverback and his Pompomgirls
have stayed together while now and then another hen joins their group.
Silverback is a Silky cross.
Stevie was in love with his Hamburg called Hannah. They came here together, when they were still young. They always clung to each other, just like a couple in love. Because Stevie had such long feathers in front of his eyes his boss decided to join them together with an elastic band. Hannah loved that. At last she could see his beautiful eyes.
The day that Hannah died was a sad day for Stevie. All of a sudden he sat alone on his perch. Fortunately he had the new Ameraucana's to cuddle up to at night.
But also his boss missed Hannah a lot. So one day, there she came: a new little Hannah. When little Hannah grew up, again Stevie fell in love. Little Hannah is even prettier then Hannah. She is not always faithful, but most of the time she’s to be seen with Stevie.
Moral of this
tale: external beauty may not be important. However, cockerels beg to
Stevie is a Houdan. The Houdan is one of the oldest of the French breeds and was named after the town of Houdan. They are large, heavy looking birds and have a bold, active character. They need a lot of space and are very talkative.
Stevie Date of birth: May 2007